If your child coughs, sneezes, has stomach cramps after certain foods or develops rashes and hives often, your little one may be having an allergic reaction to something. If you suspect your child has an allergy, it is important to see your paediatrician to test and diagnose what may be the problem.
Dr Koekemoer will be able to diagnose, manage and advise you on your child’s allergies. During your consultation with Dr Koekemoer, he will ask you what symptoms your child experiences when exposed to certain substances and do a head-to-toe evaluation of your child. He may test for various allergies that may be causing the symptoms your child is feeling to decipher what it is causing the problem. Dr Koekemoer will be able to advise you on how to manage the allergies your child may have.
Allergy symptoms you may notice in your child after contact with a certain substance include skin rashes or hives, difficulty breathing, sneezing coughing, itchy eyes, runny nose, upset stomach, vomiting or diarrhoea. Common triggers for allergies in children are related to food, irritants such as cigarette smoke or perfume, insect bites or stings, pollens, pet hair and dust.
Parents of infants and young children may test for allergies if they believe their child is sensitive to certain substances. Eliminating foods that cause allergy symptoms from your baby’s diet may provide relief for both mom and baby. Cow's milk, eggs, fish and shellfish, peanuts and tree nuts, soy, and wheat are common causes of allergies in children. Because food allergies can cause anaphylaxis which impairs breathing and sends the body into shock, it is important to see your paediatrician if you suspect your baby or child has a food allergy to prevent such allergic reactions.
Dr Koekemoer is also experienced in helping parents and caregivers deal with chronic conditions that come as a result of some allergies such as hay fever, asthma, ear infections and nasal congestion. Managing allergies usually includes avoiding contact with the allergen, however if avoiding environmental allergens isn't possible or doesn't seem to help, your paediatrician may prescribe a medication such as an antihistamine, eye drops, inhalers or nasal spray to ease the symptoms of the allergen.
Your child will be prescribed antihistamines, nasal sprays or eye drops depending on the type of allergies they suffer with.
In some cases, immunity can be built against allergies. However, this should be monitored very closely by you and your doctor.
Red eyes, rashes, scratching and difficulty breathing are the most common signs of an allergic reaction. In some cases, swelling might also occur.